Stories from St. Chads

Created by Carol McCudden 13 years ago
It has to be a classic tale....even people who were not there in the classroom, or in the other classe behind the classroom's curtain divides have heard it. The story goes like this....English class all sitting chatting before the lesson begins. In walks one of the scariest teachers - Miss McCann - "Can you all keep the noise down, thank you this is a classroom, not the playground!". Some muttering but silence decends. Miss McCann, "you boy what's so funny?". Simon, "nothing Miss". Miss McCann, " if there is nothing funny then why have you got a great big grin on your face?". Simon, "I haven't Miss". Miss McCann "I know I wear glasses boy but I'm not blind!". Simon is then rescued by the famous phrase, "don't be sly Miss, its not his fault, he can't help smiling!!". Classroom errupts into laughter joined by the other classess behind the curtains. An iconic moment....hope you are still smiling looking down on all of us. Miss you x Carol